With Saucony Half Marathon around the corner, we took a deep dive into running. It is generally known that running is the ideal exercise – but what are it’s main advantages?
1. Running Reduces Streess
Running – just like any other physical excercise – produces endorphins (natural chemicals in the brain which act like painkillers), which improve our ability to sleep and reduce stress.
2. Running Makes You Happier
This is also due to endorphins. They make us more awake, more active and happier.
3. Running Keeps You in Shape
This sports moves every single muscle of your body and is the perfect choice if you’d like to lose weight or maintain your weight.
4. Running Lowers the Risk of Cancer
Running reduces the risk of lung cancer for current or former smokers, and reduces the risk of breast cancer for women with lowering oestrogen levels.
5. Running Strengthens You
…in every aspect of the word. Apart from strengthening your knees, joints and muscles, it also improves your immune system and your menthal health.
We hope you enjoyed this blog post. Put on your running shoes and check our latest offers out with Cambridge Half Marathon!