With the beginning of the last day of summer, we collected the best memories of this unforgettable period of time. Summer is definitely the best and the busiest season when it comes to punting and as they say, ‘every summer has a story’…
Let’s go back to time now. Are you ready for the journey?
1. Arsène Wenger took a punt with us
2nd June – what a great start of the summer it was! Mr Wenger was super polite and friendly and asked many questions about the famous College Backs!

Check out the youtube video here
2. We got a new cargo bike
New bike, new us! Thanks for the amazing style for Footprint Signs & Graphics!
3. May Ball Fireworks
As every year, May Ball Fireworks were stunning! It was a wonderful experience to enjoy the spectaculars from the punts.
4. Football almost came home
England did extremely well at the world cup this year. We’re sure we’ll smash it next time! Until then, we like to remember this video:
5. We launched the Let’s Go App
Cambridge’s fist and only Punting App came out offering Boat Cam Selfies, Quizzes and Prices; and Cambridge Independent has published it! Don’t forget to download the Let’s Go App on your phone before your tour!

The Let’s Go App is available on both Android and iOS devices.
6. We got rewarded the ‘Independent of the month’ in Cambridge Edition
Cambridge is a very special city, and we’re really proud to be a part of the thriving community of independent companies that make it so unique.
7. The River Cam almost ran dry
Due to the heatwave across Europe, Cambridge was hot and dry for long, long weeks. We played with the thought of River Cam running dry.
8. We organised Music on The River
Music, history and nature… it was fabulous! Our Musician Punt Chauffeur, Paul McCaffrey performed in other places in Cambs and on the Quayside as well during the summer, for example at the Punt Yard!