Punting is the most enjoyable and top-rated outdoor activity here in the university town. Here you are able to learn of Cambridge, the University of Cambridge and the history of the city as well as all of its wonders. Our expertly trained chauffeurs assist you in this. Punting is a smooth, relaxing and therapeutic activity… well, not always.
The following five insights shared with you explain exactly what NOT to do when punting in Cambridge and what to avoid doing on the River Cam. You can thank us later.
Top 5 things not to do when Punting:
1. Punting backwards
One of the most common mistakes people often make upon their initial visitations to Cambridge is punting backwards. Punting can be quite a daunting task to first-time punters, and so steering a vessel might prove frightening. In order to avoid this fear, many people punt backwards, acting as if they are at the front of the boat. The challenge here would be that you would have to punt on either side of you constantly in order to maintain direction, which is not as easy as it may sound.
2. Punting into walls
Punting in a straight line is one of the greatest challenges of punting, though it is common for the dangerous and carnivorous beings on the river, self-hire punters, to steer off course. Steering in the way of other punters is not so much of a problem, as they have the ability to move out of the way. The walls, on the other hand, do not. As a result of this, many punters who bump into the walls on the river potentially get knocked off balance. Only then does fate decide where they land. *cue evil tour guide chuckle.*
3. Standing up while punting (as a passenger)
Punting is not for the faint-hearted. Standing up in a punt requires balance, agility and courage. It is quite typical for first-time punters to only contain the latter when punting. This can result in getting rather wet. If you are only here for the day, and it so happens to be a cold day, rest assured you will regret having stood up in the boat. Just a heads up (and bottoms down).
4. Punting without a pole (yes, you heard that right)
An ultimate rookie error. One simply cannot punt without a pole. This is a mistake people make when having their pole stuck in the mud or going underneath a bridge. Do you leave your pole stuck and become stranded, or do you go swimming? Most people would choose the former, but there are people (and more than you might think) who end up falling straight into The Cam. This may well be a treat for those standing on a bridge, sitting at Quayside or eating from The Galleria.
5. Pushing away from the edge
Last, but certainly not least. Within the safety briefing given to the customers prior to the start of each tour, customers are asked to keep their hands and legs inside of the boat at all times. Some customers, however, attempt to use the edge of the river as leverage to disembark. This can prove disastrous, though equally as funny.
In summary, we believe that in order to go punting yourself, you must be daring and brave (be sure to bring a spare change of clothes). However, if you were you book a guided tour with us here at Let’s Go Punting, you can simply put your feet up and relax. Bring a coffee or a bottle of wine, soak up the history of Cambridge and embrace the view. Let one of our expert chauffeurs do the hard work.