It’s unbelievable to think about the fact that we only published our reflection blog from 2018 and now we are about to leave another whole year behind.
So many great things happened with us during 2019 as well, which have just gone in the blink of an eye. Hence why in our 2019 reflection, we collected the highlights of the past year to share with our guests, colleagues, readers and friends.
1. Our Team
We started the high season with an amazing, strong team. Thank you all for your hard work!
2. Brand New Seats, Cushions & Blankets
Our brand new ‘Quad-Core Cushioning System’ provides comfort to our guests during their tours, which is one of our priorities.
3. Easter
Thank God, Easter 2019 was much better than last year… bright, warm & sunny. 🙂
4. Street Child Cricket World Cup
The festival of cricket was held by Street Child United at Parkers Piece on the 4th and the 5th of May.
5. Cambridge Beer Festival
Cambridge’s 46th Beer Festival 2019 celebrated the moon landings‘ 50th anniversary.
6. ‘Let’s Go Jumping’ at North London Skydiving Centre
On Wednesday, 29 May 2019, something fantastic happened with our Top 2 (according to TripAdvisor) Tour Guides; we took them SKYDIVING!
7. Cambridge Pride
LOVE IS LOVE. Cambridge’s first-ever pride was held on Jesus Green, on Saturday, 8 June.
8. Cambridge Cardboard Boat Race
The perfect way to for students to celebrate the end of the Academic Year… and to get ready for our next memory, which is…
9. May Ball Fireworks
May week is the bubbliest period in town with the Firework Spectaculars providing a fantastic closure (of course, they are best seen from the punts).
10. Foodies Festival
Who doesn’t love food? The UK’s biggest food festival was held between 28-30th June and was showcasing live music, workshops, masterclasses, and of course, delicious food made by Top Chefs.
11. Celeb’s Go Dating
We welcomed a filming crew as well as Singer-songwriter Lee Ryan and Geordie Shore’s star Nathan Henry while filming an exciting episode of Celebs Go Dating. You can watch the full episode here.
12. The Swan Family

13. The Punt Race
Cambridge’s first Punt Race finally answered to the most mysterious question on Earth; who is the best Punter of the Universe? Click here to find out!

14. Music on the River

15. BBC Children in Need ‘Punt-A-Thon’
In collaboration with the Traditional Punting Company, we organised a 12-hour long ‘Punt-A-Thon’ on Saturday, 2nd November 2019 where we raised £811 for BBC Children in Need. On this special day, our guests could enjoy twelve 50-minute long traditional punting tours in our Polka Dot Pudsey Punt specially designed for the event by Footprints Signs and Graphics.
16. Christmas Carols on the River
Like every year, we held this special Christmas Charity Event along with the Traditional Punting Company and the Choir of St John, the Evangelist. This year, we raised £553 for EACH and we also donated £120 to the Church of St John, the Evangelist.
2019 has been such a lovely year for us. Once again, a HUGE thank you to our staff, costumers, suppliers and supporters.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Let’s Go Punting!
Here’s to 2020…