Welcome to the World of Punting in Cambridge in 2024

Punting in Cambridge has existed for around 200 years, first starting as a way to transport cargo. Within the last 150 years punting as a recreational activity has grown exponentially.
Staff Party at Lets Go Punting at Cafe Foy

Punting in Cambridge has existed for around 200 years, first starting as a way to transport cargo. Within the last 150 years punting as a recreational activity has grown exponentially, with the pastime becoming popular on the River Thames from the 1860’s onwards. Now, the River Cam proudly holds the title for the most punts baring residency on its waters, more than any other river in the United Kingdom. The shops lining Kings Parade are home to many a humble postcard immortalising this tranquil tradition.

Punting in Cambridge

On average the city of Cambridge welcomes 7.6 million tourists a year, and we would estimate that a decent percentage of those go punting! The history of Cambridge University spans over 800 years, and many of the anecdotes told on punting tours cover this vast period. The academic prowess this city holds outranks its size. Who knew, that a tiny city in the East of England could have such a transformative effect on the global stage of education and scientific research?

The Business of Punting

The business of Punting in Cambridge for us is providing guided tours along the River Cam. To achieve this we need a dynamic staff which fluctuates in size to react to the changing of the seasons and punt tour demand. Punting in Cambridge is big business – you’d be hard-pressed to find someone in Cambridge with no connection to the punting industry. Each summer the industry as a whole consists of over 500 staff members, some permanent members of the workforce, others returning throughout summers at University, between their travels and around their sixth form commitments.

At Let’s Go Punting we employ a core staff of management, office staff, sales representatives and punting chauffeurs year-round with additional chauffeurs and cashiers being employed for the peak summer period. For many staff members, we are their first job at 17 whilst at sixth form college and they remain with us for 5-6 years through college, gap year travels and University. The majority of our staff are punt chauffeurs – responsible for taking you on your 50-minute guided punting tour! We provide full training, both in how to expertly manoeuvre the punt and how to provide an engaging and interesting tour to entertain you as you glide along the College Backs.

The River Culture

Working in the punting industry is unlike any other job. The river has a very social atmosphere, which leads to the joke that those who work there can’t get enough of the river as they tend to be in and around the river even on their days off. It is a very sociable job with different companies working closely alongside each other making it easy to make friends and enjoy your time whilst working! Additionally, we host staff parties and socials throughout the year to celebrate our awesome team!

Favourites with Let’s Go Punting Staff

We asked a few of our staff members about their favourite spot on the river, their best memory from their time with us and the best thing about working for us. Here’s what they had to say:

Join us on the River

Whether you are looking for a Private or Shared Punting tour ensure you book online to access the best rates! We can’t wait to welcome you on board and for your to meet some of our awesome punting team!

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