Photography in Cambridge: Best Locations

Most cities have an iconic shot which makes them instantly recognisable. For Cambridge, Kings College Chapel is the image that makes our city recognisable all around the world. Such a famous, iconic, beautiful sight for our city and what a joy is it to photograph. However, there are plenty of other incredible photo opportunities not to be missed. To help you take the best shots of our lovely city, we’ve highlighted some of our favourite spots to photograph in Cambridge. Most of these places are free to visit, so take as many photos as you want and visit them more than once. We would love to see your photos, please tag us when posting on your social media!
Queen's College Cambridge Mathematical Bridge frosted in winter

Cambridge City Photography

Most cities have an iconic shot which makes them instantly recognisable. For Cambridge, Kings College Chapel is the image that makes our city recognisable all around the world. Of course, King’s College Cambridge is a key aspect of our list. But don’t miss out on other opportunities for photography in Cambridge…

To help you take the best shots of our lovely city, we’ve highlighted some of our favourite spots to photograph in Cambridge. Most of these places are free to visit, so take as many photos as you want and visit them more than once. Booking our punting tour will also help to tick many of these locations off your list. We would love to see your photos, please tag us when posting on your social media!


Photographic Viewpoints in Cambridge


Castle Mound

This is one of the highest spots in Cambridge (a very flat city) and that’s perhaps why it is so popular. The view is amazing from up there! This is a popular spot for watching and photographing the sunset. Everyone that lives in Cambridge, has surely been up there at least once.

Stunning sunset from Castle Mound, Cambridge

Top of Great St Mary’s Church

There’s an entrance fee charged to climb Great St. Mary’s Tower, but the view is so worth it. Especially for those looking for a 360º view of our city, its central location makes it the perfect location to take photographs.


Cambridge Skyline, (uk)

Jesus Green, Horse Tree Lane

Jesus Green is one of the biggest and busiest parks in Cambridge, hosting plenty of activities all year round. From formal events such as Cancer Research’s Race for Life and Cambridge’s Pride to family parties, social events and sports practice/games. Its popularity also stems from its proximity to the landing stage where independent punting companies depart, including Let’s Go Punting. However, its most iconic view is the one along the walking path boarded by the enormous horse trees and their even bigger roots.

Tree Lines Avenue, Jesus Green, Cambridge Photography

Garret Hostel Bridge

This is a pedestrian-only bridge with stunning views over the river on both sides. One way, you can see Clare College featuring King’s College Bridge behind it. Whilst the other way, you will see Trinity College with St John’s College in the background.

Garret Hostel Bridge overlooking The River Cam

Image of Garret Hostel Bridge and where it is situated on The River Cam


Silver Street Bridge Photos

It’s from Silver Street Bridge that you will have the greatest view of the famous Mathematical Bridge. This bridge can also be seen along the River Cam throughout a Punting tour.

Queen's College Cambridge Mathematical Bridge frosted in winter

Photo taken from Silver Street Bridge – of Queen’s College and the wooden bridge

Bridge of Sighs Photography

The iconic Bridge of Sighs, which is located between courts at St. John’s College is a world-famous image. Undoubtedly the best view of this bridge is from the River Cam, perhaps on a chauffeured punting tour with us! Our customers, at Let’s Go Punting, are always amazed by the grandiosity of the Bridge of Sighs. However, they have confessed that by being so relaxed on a lovely punting tour, that all sights along the River Cam seem to look even better. Not to mention that the photos taken throughout a punting tour might end up be your best photos in Cambridge.

Bridge of Sighs, Cambridge Photography

So if you are a photography lover we would love to see your pictures of these places, don’t forget to tag us! Now, you’re ready for your day of photography in Cambridge!

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