The Punting Olympics

To coincide with the Paris 2024 Olympics we thought it [...]

The best outdoor activities in the UK

Get outside & have some fun! As lockdown starts to [...]

By |2020-06-07T13:38:02+00:00June 7, 2020|Cambrigde University, Destinations, extreme sports, health, holidays, Outdoor Activities, Punting, River Cam, Seasons, sport, sports, spring, Things to do in Cambridge, Tips, weather, What's going on|Comments Off on The best outdoor activities in the UK

How much we raised on the Children in Need ‘Punt-a-thon’?

In collaboration with the Traditional Punting Company, we organised a [...]

The ‘Pudsey Punt’ is on its way!

It's only 9 days left 'till our Pudsey 'Punt-a-thon' Our [...]

Cambridge’s first-ever ‘Punt-a-thon’ for Children in Need

Cambridge's first-ever 12 hour-long 'Punt-a-thon' will take place on 2nd November [...]

By |2021-02-10T15:57:28+00:00September 27, 2019|Autumn, BBC Children in Need, Cambridge Events, Children in Need, cold season, Creative Things, Events, Fundraising, health, Love, people in Cambridge, River Cam, sport, sports, Things to do in Cambridge, Tips, work|Comments Off on Cambridge’s first-ever ‘Punt-a-thon’ for Children in Need

Summer Highlights 2019 with Let’s Go Punting

Like every summer, this season was an extremely exciting period [...]

Cambridge Half Marathon – Put On Your Running Shoes

With Saucony Half Marathon around the corner, we took a [...]

By |2019-02-28T14:27:27+00:00February 28, 2019|Art and Culture in Cambridge, Cambridge Events, Cambridge Half Marathon, health, people in Cambridge, Running, sport, Things to do in Cambridge, Tips, What's going on|Comments Off on Cambridge Half Marathon – Put On Your Running Shoes

6 Things you Should Put on your Cambridge Bucket List in 2019

New Year, new adventures - time is passing by so [...]

Let’s Go Punting – 2018 A Reflection

It's truly unbeleivable how quickly years are passing by. With [...]