Breaking News!

The reopening of punting in Cambridge along the College Backs has been getting some interest recently. Lot's of media platforms got in touch to hear all about when we are resuming business. So now that the 'D-day' is just around the corner we can't wait to welcome customers back on our punts. Like always, we want to share everything with you too!

March Recommendations – Visit Cambridge, Eat, Drink!

March is definitely the time when the City of Cambridge [...]

Ideas for Spring 2020 in Cambridge

Looking forward to Spring 2020? According to the calendar, spring [...]

By |2020-02-20T12:22:03+00:00February 20, 2020|Cambridge Events, Punting, Seasons, spring, Things to do in Cambridge, Uncategorized, weather, What's going on|Comments Off on Ideas for Spring 2020 in Cambridge

10 reasons why Cambridge is the perfect place for a mini-break in 2020

New year, new adventures... With the beginning of 2020, some [...]

By |2022-01-21T22:22:56+00:00January 9, 2020|Art and Culture in Cambridge, Cambridge Colleges, Cambridge Events, Cambrigde University, Creative Things, Events, Punting, Restaurants, River Cam, Things to do in Cambridge, Tips, What's going on|Comments Off on 10 reasons why Cambridge is the perfect place for a mini-break in 2020

2019 Reflection with Let’s Go Punting

It's unbelievable to think about the fact that we only [...]

Christmas Carols on the River 2019

On the 15th December 2019, seven of our boats glided [...]

Christmas Staff Do 2019 Ideas in Cambridge

With the end of November, Christmas is just around the [...]

Christmas in Cambridge

Christmas in Cambridge 2019 has already started with Cambridge's first [...]

Let’s talk about: Christmas Carols on the River 2019

It's only a month left 'till our annual Christmas Carol [...]

How much we raised on the Children in Need ‘Punt-a-thon’?

In collaboration with the Traditional Punting Company, we organised a [...]